Our goal at Desoto Family Dental Care is to serve our clients in the most professional and efficient manner possible to address their oral and overall health. We recognize that through modern technology, our dental office will help our patients stay abreast of their dental well-being.
Therefore, we are pleased to announce an upgrade in our communication ability by choosing a software called Lighthouse 360. This software allows us to provide our patients with appointment confirmations through both text messages and emails, ensuring that you receive a convenient reminder about your scheduled appointment. It will also allow us to get out inclement weather announcements quickly. In addition, the software will allow you to contact our office electronically about your appointment, streamlining communications for you and for us.
You will receive confirmations first through email and text and if we haven’t heard from you, our last resort will be to call and confirm your appointment. As always, we strive to make our office individualized for our patients and realize that not every patient will choose to use this system. The good news is that we can customize the system to fit each patient’s needs. If you wish to only receive phone calls from us, please notify the front desk and we will opt you out of the system. It is our hope however, that we can rely on this new system which, in turn will allow our administrative team more time to focus on other aspects of our patients dental well-being. We strive to do our utmost to provide you with top-notch dental care. We look forward to using this new system and hope you will like using it too!